This was at the Dirty Show in Detroit last Friday. It was fun to go out in public (with my friend Lynn and a few others), which I haven't done much yet. Well, insofar as an erotic art exhibit/sideshow can be considered "public". It was an interesting event at any rate, and I did buy a photo print. And I had my picture taken by the newspaper man, how exciting!
See -- Scroll down to the Velvet Rope viewer, and I'm about a dozen pictures in. Or use this more direct link for that weekend. I ought to be in the print edition too, I think.
Unfortunately I didn't follow Sheena's advice in her comment on my previous post... I am basically grinning like an idiot. Eeek! Next time I will be sure to strike a pose. And the lighting seems harsh. The paparazzi are just relentless, I say.
Update March 2010 -- Yes, my picture did appear in the Feb 24 print edition of the MT. And Sheena emailed me a very helpful pose to use in the future! Here it is: